L-shaped Folder

Pricing Details

Production Time: 16 Working Days
1000 $0.67 each
3000 $0.65 each
5000 $0.33 each
10000 $0.31 each
20000 $0.28 each
$50.00 each
It is mainly made of high-quality PP plastic. The L-shaped design allows it to hold more paper than other folders. There are many colors for you to choose from. It is an excellent partner in office occasions such as schools and companies. The quantity of more than 5000 is the price of ocean transportation.

Normal Production Time
16 Working Days

Product Size
12 3/16" x 8 5/8"

Additional Information
Product Colors: Red, Blue, White, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Green, Black, Orange

Imprint Method: Digital printing

Additional charges may apply

Payment Mode

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