Plastic Guitar Plectrum MOQ100

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $0.99 each
300 $0.37 each
500 $0.25 each
1000 $1.60 each
5000 $0.79 each
10000 $0.72 each
50000 $0.60 each
100000 $0.42 each
200000 $0.38 each
500000 $0.32 each
The size is 1" x 1 1/8". Made of high quality plastic. It is a great giveaway for concerts, festivals, shows, parties and more. And it can be customized to your liking, include an imprint of your company name and logo to increase brand recognition on a product that will strike a chord with your customers. 1 location includes the shipping cost to US. Orders of 100,000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping. 100% guarantee for quality. Rush Service.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
1"Lx1.2"Wx0.1"H Guitar Plectrum MOQ100

Payment Mode

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