16.5 oz. Munique Beer Glass

Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
72 $7.57 each
144 $6.33 each
288 $6.07 each
576 $5.80 each
1008 $5.53 each
2016 $5.25 each
$47.50 each
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Great For Iced and Mixed Drinks
  • Easy To Hold
  • Unique Shape
Affordable “Munique” elegance. This footed glass will add class to any ale or lager. Not only proper for ales but also for other restaurant beverages such as water, soft drinks and iced tea. Polished durable beadless rim gives this glass a step up from others. Dress up all of your European ales and lagers in the Libbey 920284 16 1/2 oz. Munique footed beer glass. To create their unique combination of elegance and affordability, while maintaining longer service life, each Munique footed beer glass’ beadless rim is first cracked off, and then polished to produce a fine, yet durable edge. This makes them perfect for not only serving beers, but for everyday use serving iced teas, water, soda, and much more! Also available in available in 13.5 oz. L920291.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
2.75" Top Diameter x 2.875" Bottom Diameter x 3.26" Max Width x 7.875" Height


Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
Imprint Dimensions
Single Color One Side: 2.50"W x 1.12"H
Single Color Wrap: 9.51"W x 1.12"H
Multicolor One Side: 2.50"W x 1.12"H
Multicolor Wrap: 9.51"W x 1.12"H
Full Wrap Disclaimer: Approximately 1" gap will be present between the beginning and end of art if full imprint width is used for single color and multicolor.

Payment Mode

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