- J- Glass
- Gift Box
- Arctic Vase
crystal world, success, 4 side, angle, tower, column, crystal, cut, glass, optical, faceted, etching, product, sculpture, handcrafted, hand made, award, awards, trophy, trophies, recognition, incentive, service, achievement, anniversary, executive, business, sales, leader, leadership, accomplishment, corporate, gift, gifts, entertainment, Arctic Vase, government, military, sports, athletics, education, pillar. This beautiful crystal sculpture will make an ideal corporate or executive gift, premium incentive or achievement award
3 working days for Blank item. 5-7 working days for Laser and Sand blasting.
Normal Production Time
5 Working Days
Product Size
10"H x 5"W x 4 1/2"D
Additional InformationRegular Price is for Blank item.
Production time is 5-7 working days after all approvals.
Repeat Set Up $35.00(G). Color Fill $15(G) per color per piece.
Imprint Size: 3-1/2"w x 6"h
Art Charge
Personalization Run Charge $5.00(g) per each.
Type Set Run Charge $5.00 (g) per line.
Package: Gift Box
Cleaning suggestion: Windex with soft cloth.